
Everyone is a Leader

Motivational Moments with Eric Vickery: A new series on leadership, emphasizing that everyone is a leader through influence. He challenges listeners to reflect on how they influence their patients and why it’s important to them, encouraging them to recognize their leadership roles at work and home.


About Eric Vickery

Eric holds a degree in business administration and brings a strong business and systems approach to his consulting. His initiation into the field of dentistry was in the area of office management. He managed dental practices for over ten years and has been consulting over 250 offices nationwide since 2001.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


This is Dental All-Stars, where we bring you the best in dentistry on marketing, management, and training. Hello friends, welcome to your weekly motivational moments with Eric Vickery, president of coaching at All-Star Dental Academy. We’re going to start a new series on leader. Leadership, being a leader, this is all about you. Because if you think about it, every single one of you is a leader. And to understand that, you have to understand, well, what is leadership?



I’m a huge fan of John Maxwell. He talks about leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less, how you influence someone. So when you think about it this week, as you move through this week, and maybe even today, you can write this down if you want, but what are you hoping to influence your patients to? So your leadership, when you say, well, I’m not a leader, the doctor’s the leader, okay? Well, you are a leader in that you’re leading patients, you’re influencing them to



be healthier, to achieve something, to even help them afford the things that they want or to just help them understand what’s going on with the health and appearance of their smile. So think about the questions this way, what and then why. So what are you hoping to influence your patients towards? And then the second question is that as why?



And so why is that important to you? Find your driving force as a leader. Why do you love it when patients get healthier? What is it about that that really makes you feel connected to the patient? To feeling fulfilled in what you’re doing? Remember, you’re a leader when you’re at home with your family. You’re a leader here at work. So I wanna challenge you. I want to inspire you.



to see yourself as that leader that you are. How you influence people now becomes the next part of this. So next week, we’re gonna jump into what type of leader do you wanna be? Once you understand what you’re doing and why you do it this week, next week we’ll talk about how you do that. All right guys, go out and make it a great week and we’ll talk more about leadership next. We hope you enjoyed this episode of Dental All Stars.



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