
No Experience Necessary

Robyn Reis, Director of All-Star Hiring Service, discusses hiring for attitude over experience in dentistry but stresses the need for proper training resources and dedicated trainers.


About Robyn Reis

Robyn began her dental career in 1998 as a marketing and communications director for a large group practice, and instantly fell in love with the world of dentistry. She has spent every waking moment since learning, growing and collaborating with dentists and their teams utilizing her expertise in all aspects of dental practice management, marketing, communications, HR, continuing education, and laboratory sales. Robyn’s personal goals are to make a difference in someone’s life every single day and to give the best of herself to those around her.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


This is Dental All-Stars, where we bring you the best in dentistry on marketing, management, and training. Hi everyone, it’s Robin Rees, Director of All-Stars Hiring Service. And today’s hiring tip for you is all about no experience necessary. Now, when you’re recruiting for a position and you’re looking for attitude and personality and you’re willing to train for skill, that’s wonderful.



And I can assure you, you will open up the funnel for applicants to apply. Now there is one thing to keep in mind though, if you’re going to advertise no experience necessary, make sure you have the resources, the training and the patients, not the people, the CE, the patients, for training somebody that has no dental experience.



I’ve had clients who, yes, they were super excited, wanted to hire somebody who had a wonderful personality, no dental experience. And about two to three weeks into the training, they realized this person really isn’t going to be a good fit for the position. The enthusiasm was there, the desire was there, but the aptitude wasn’t there. So again, as a reminder, when you are advertising, no experience necessary. Make sure you have a trainer in place.



Make sure you have documentation, step-by-step instructions, resources, time for this new person to really absorb the training that they’re getting. And yes, doctor, it cannot be you because you need to be taking care of your patients. So as a small team, identify who can train in the front, who can train in the back, have them shadow.



have them listen in, sit and watch how you do what you do. And hopefully those that have the attitude and the enthusiasm will also have the aptitude to learn how to do the position. So again, it’s Robin Rees with All Stars hiring service with your tip for today. Be sure to like and follow us on our podcast.



We have all kinds of great learning and inspiration for all of our dental teams. I look forward to seeing you next time.



We hope you enjoyed this episode of Dental All-Stars. Visit us online at allstardentalacademy.com


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