Dr. Clyde Maxwell, All-Star Dental Academy

384% Growth in New Patients

Clyde Maxwell Jr., D.D.S.

Wilmington, Delaware

“The proof is in the pudding. We typically had 65 to 70 new patients a month over our multiple offices. But after training with All-Star we have about 250 new patients a month! I would recommend All-Star for any practice, GP or specialty. Your team is your most valuable asset. If you develop your team, it pays huge dividends.”


Dr. Maxwell’s multi-office practice was growing and he was adding associates. But with the growth, it was difficult to keep everyone focused on providing a consistent and premium patient experience. Dr. Maxwell’s colleagues had mixed results in the past with consultants – some good, some bad, and some neutral. Dr. Maxwell wanted something fresh and new – a way to train his team, improve culture, and help with holding the team accountable for growth.


Online Training & On-Site Coaching

  • Dr. Maxwell invested in the online training program for his team and found the training modules to be helpful – “Wow! You really don’t realize how valuable it is until you really dive into the training.”
  • He found the focus on mindset to be inspiring and rewarding.
  • In every huddle he ends with “Have an All-Star Day!”
  • To address accountability and culture, Dr. Maxwell brought an All-Star coach in for a live on-site visit finding that “third-party validation is valuable” and that “it raises the team’s commitment and accountability.”
  • The on-site visit helped the team master fundamental phone skills; the team reported having a lot of fun,and are now raving fans of the program.
  • After the on-site, doctor was pleased to receive a detailed written training assessment document.
  • Dr. Maxwell found that the on-site helped motivate the team to understand the WHY in addition to the benefits of knowledge.
  • Dr. Maxwell said the coach was “inspirational.”
  • Quantitatively, Dr. Maxwell found that his new patients numbers went from 65-70 per month over his multiple locations before All-Star to about 250 per month a year later, and he directly attributes this growth to the online training and on-site visit.
“The content and flexibility of All-Star Dental Academy intrigued me. “Wow! You really don’t realize how valuable it is until you really dive into it.”

“Having a third-party validation is really valuable. Investing in someone to come to my office is a big step. Having someone come here, face-to-face, and read a person’s body language is powerful. It solidifies things. It raises the team’s commitment and accountability.”

“We had a great time with the coach in the office! The team had a lot of fun with the experience. The coach kept the work interesting. It was an exciting presentation, and they were raving about the day. It was definitely inspirational.”

“The proof is in the pudding. We typically had 65 to 70 new patients a month. But after training with All-Star we have about 250 new patients a month!”

“I would recommend it for any practice, GP or specialty – the training program is the essence of what’s very important in a service-oriented business. And I think a lot of practices miss this – whether you have a mature practicing or you are developing a new practice – investing in your people. Your team is your most valuable asset. If you develop those people, it pays huge dividends, huge.”

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"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

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