Website Reviews, All-Star Dental Academy

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All-Star Reviews

All-Star Dental Academy® believes that customer satisfaction is the foundation of any successful business. This means providing industry-leading training courses and other services, the best customer care, and ensuring that all clients have a positive, rewarding, and fulfilling experience. We have built our success by living these values and our clients have noticed.

Below, read what our clients have to say about their experience and results with All-Star.


Client Success is OUR Success!

All-Star’s training is life-changing. My profits are up, I have extra time in my life, and less stress. We’ve had a 30% increase in revenue and I’m working with patients instead of spending time frustrated with other things.

Dr. Jennifer Davis


We used to see around 65 to 70 new patients a month. With All-Star, we are seeing about 250 new patients a month!  Your team is your most valuable asset. If you develop your team, it pays huge dividends.
Dr. Clyde Maxwell


In spite of EVERYTHING that was thrown at us last year, we finally broke the million-dollar-revenue mark. Thanks All-Star!

Dr. Cody Calderwood

FAGD and past president of Utah Dental Association General & Cosmetic Dentist

My experience with All-Star Dental Academy® has exceeded my expectations. In my private practice, my patients expect superior service and skills from everyone. We can only provide that as a team, and I am only as good as my team! The All-Star Dental Academy® has provided our office with great service and support! I highly recommend All-Star Dental Academy®!

Dr. Michael Eggnatz

Dentist & Past President Florida Dental Association

As a practicing dentist and a former President of the Florida Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, I am no stranger to online training programs. My team has become more productive and my patients are much happier. I highly recommend All-Star Dental Academy® as a fantastic resource in dentistry.

Dr. Ron Richardson

Past President of the FACD & Dentist

We are progressing well through the online training and continue to have regular meetings to learn and role-play. All Star customer service has definitely become the culture of the office – And it works. The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook! I am making some new administrative and systemic changes in order to accommodate the growth.

Dr. Jennifer Wayer, DMD


I have nothing but praise for the program and the All-Star team. Due to their training, we have been able to more than double our new patients. Training my team with top-notch phone skills has definitely been a great investment! Thanks All-Star!

Dr. Rick Rios


You could double your referral base! This is one of the finest programs you can take. You will learn how to become a strong leader. It’s very powerful. I’ve been through all their webinars and study clubs, and I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned.

Dr. Ace Goerig


The content is high-quality. Working with a coach gives us the accountability. The personal attention specific to my practice that took us to the next level. Our case acceptance has gone up! Our collection production went up $150,000 since starting coaching.

Dr. Sandra Martin


Backed by the Best

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Industry Experts Love All-Star

All Star Dental Academy® is a first-class operation. Their library of interviews and quality of the content they provide is excellent. I challenge any dentist who is dead-serious about growing their practice to set aside time to listen to them.


Dr. Bill Blatchford

CEO of Blatchford Solutions

All-Star Dental Academy® is doing great things. They are helping practices focus on customer service and how to schedule more effectively. Every practice should have All-Star Dental Academy® training installed alongside their practice management software.


Dr. Lorne Lavine

CEO of The Digital Dentist

Much of my work is teaching teams proper scheduling techniques. All-Star Dental Academy® is a wonderful tool that I recommend to all my offices and colleagues. It makes learning easy. They have great resources, instructors, of which I’m one. Thanks All-Star Dental Academy®.

Rachel Wall, RDH

President & founder of Inspired Hygiene

Why Our Customers Love Us!

Dentists Love All-Star

I had been desperately seeking a phone and scheduling training solution for my practice. All-Star’s training program has provided that solution. We’ve already begun to reap the benefits of the training. We look forward to your continued support and more of the great products All-Star Dental Academy has to offer!

Dr. Karene Blair


My office has been associated with All-Star Dental Academy for two years. My marketing company told that he had never seen a higher percentage of calls converted to appointment – out of 111 calls in a recent period of time, 110 booked appointments! All-Star Dental Academy made my front desk person into an All-Star! The results are amazing.

Dr. Brent Blaylock


If you plan on doing bigger case dentistry, All-Star Dental Academy is the only program of its kind. Their support is outstanding and they’re always adding new, relevant content from the industry’s leading practice management experts. If you plan to have an all-star dental practice, then you need All-Star Dental Academy.

Dr. Chris Jaghab, DDS


I’ve been a practice management and CE junkie since the start of my career and I’ve never come across such valuable training for phone and communication skills. I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying the training. I wish I had this resource 31 years ago when I started practicing and am excited that my son will have this knowledge from the start!
Dr. Peter March, DDS


All-Star has created a system that helps us provide the highest level of consistency and customer service to our patients. I’m not in it alone anymore. I have an all-star team to back me up every step of the way. Thank you, All Star Dental Academy®! I only wish you were here 20 years ago so I could’ve had your help from the very beginning of my practice. 

Dr. Sue Keller


One of the best investments you can make in your company is to have properly trained and highly skilled staff. All-Star Dental Academy® provides the skill and training online 24/7. My staff trains during down time and after hours to be at their best without ever having to close the office or missing out on patient care. My staff and All-Star Dental Academy® do an amazing job!

Dr. Todd Synder, DDS, FAACD


I’ve been happy with the results we’ve gotten over the last year. Hygiene production nearly doubled and overall office production gained 20% while collections went up to 99.5%. It’s been wonderful.

Dr. Benjamin Contratto


I am exceedingly pleased with my training and involvement with All-Star Dental Academy®. My team asked for opportunities to learn and improve during our weekly meetings and we have found the entire curriculum to be highly beneficial. Also, we have expanded our team to include two new members and All-Star has proven to be a huge benefit to getting these team members up to speed with us quickly. We are truly functioning as a unit and growing in this ever-changing world and I could not be happier!

Dr. Larry Winans


I have been very impressed with All-Star’s online training. I have already seen improvement in the reduction of broken appointments. I am very grateful for how All-Star is influencing my practice in a very positive way. Sign up now, you won’t regret it!

Dr. Yamileth Pate


I began working through All-Star Dental Academy®’s online phone training course three months ago. I have been very pleased with the convenience, the quality of the training information to elevate our customer service, and simply appreciate an easy way to get the team on the same page. I decided to supplement my program with a customized coaching plan that suits my current needs. Very pleased!

Dr. Sharon Strong


All-Star Dental Academy® has your best interest at heart. They always make the recommendation but are never pushy, and are always there when you need them. The entire team is professional and truly cares about our success. During Covid, All-Star Dental Academy® was very supportive. We highly recommend All-Star Dental Academy® to take your practice to the next level.

Dr. Teresa Mercado


All-Star Dental Academy® has a vast amount of resources and a team that can help your practice elevate itself to new levels. I have been a dentist for 35 years and wish I had enrolled with them years ago. I’m not alone in how I feel about this organization. Just do it and enroll.

Dr. Jeffrey Solomon


I have been thoroughly impressed by their support and the database of available information to strengthen my practice. I also love the pace of 20 minutes per week to learn. That gives us time to implement. They have made it easy to train and get trained. Thanks All-Star Dental Academy®!

Dr. Troy Walton


Our practice has used All-Star Dental Academy® going on two years now. We are extremely satisfied with their services and overall support. We are using their customer service training, call grading system, and Hiring Service, and we can definitely say they’ve met all expectations. We highly recommend All-Star Dental Academy® to anyone interested in bringing their customer service to the next level!

Dr. Lili Mirtorabi


We recently started All-Star Dental Academy®’s program and with each video, podcast or phone call from the team we gain excellent pearls. The verbiage on the phone training is well done and I love when I overhear a team member testing out their skills on the phone. The videos are short and succinct and provide excellent tips.

Dr. Deanna Barden


Great format for training your dental team in genuine customer service. By “genuine” I mean they are not training you to be pushy or manipulative salespeople. They are training on how to build trust to help people schedule and KEEP their appointments. Aside from their philosophy, I think they run a very professional business and practice what they preach through outstanding customer service. I highly recommend All-Star Dental Academy®.

Dr. Dustin Patrick


We love being students of the All-Star Dental Academy®. The exercises are short enough that we don’t lose our focus. As a team, we’re working on critiquing each other as we now have a common basis for looking at our practice. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their customer service and call conversion.

Dr. Linda Winter


Our office has been on the All-Star Dental Academy® training program for three months. There has been excellent buy-in from the staff, and the program is delivering as promised. The training is outstanding, and our customer service has already drawn comments from multiple patients. I am very pleased with our experience with All-Star, and I recommend them highly!

Dr. Mark Fuhrman


All-Star Dental Academy® and their online video training program are just magnificent. From the very first moment I learned about All-Star Dental Academy® and what they offer, I knew right away that their lessons are what I have been lacking in my practice for the past many years.

Dr. Dennis Baik


The video courses that All-Star provided for us to review were a great way to prepare for our coaching and ensured that it was a very productive day. I highly recommend All-Star Dental Academy®.

Dr. Al Nordone

Dentist, Fee-for-Service

I have utilized “in-office” consultants in the past for team member training. I have found All-Star Dental Academy®’s online training platform more enjoyable, more successful for my practice, and more cost effective. I offer my highest recommendation for All-Star Dental Academy®.

Dr. Shaun Rai

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

Professionals Love All-Star

There are many business coaching programs on the market, but very few that really walk the walk. All-Star Dental Academy® is by far the best program of its kind. If you want a proven track record of training success and cutting-edge coaching there really is no other choice. If you need to grow your sales, increase profits, and, frankly, improve your life, All-Star Dental Academy® can get you there

Marty Fort

Founder and CEO, Music Academy Success

As an attorney and coach to legal practices around the world, I have found All-Star Dental Academy®’s training videos extremely helpful for me, my staff, and the lawyers I coach. Customer service and phone skills… it’s all applicable. If you are a dentist (or any business for that matter), I encourage you to work with them. Amazing training, great coaches, and tremendous support.

Ken Hardison

Attorney, President of PILMMA

Before the training, we averaged 68 new clients. Two months after beginning the training, we shot up to 102 new clients, an increase of approximately 33%. Which is awesome.

Dr. Colette Amit

PT, DPT, MSHSA, ATP Plantation, FL PhysicalOne Executive Director

All-Star Dental Academy® is by far the best dental training program I’ve ever seen. We’re a marketing company for dentists and by far our biggest challenge is having our clients actually convert new patient leads into appointments. If your practice is struggling to convert new patient calls into butts in the chair I cannot recommend a better training program out there than what All-Star has put together.

Nick Fotache

Founder and CEO, RevUp Marketing

My practice has been a member for two years now and I can honestly say it has helped me as an owner to manage patients better. It has mostly helped my staff to be more organized, well-versed, and prepared to help a patient in need while making my practice stand out amongst others for outstanding customer service.

Dr. Anna Avaliani

Cosmetic & Laser Surgeon

As a Dental Marketing Consultant, I have had the pleasure of working with All-Star Dental Academy® for many years. I’ve found that their approach and overall philosophy is a perfect fit for a practice that is looking to stand out from corporate dentists and insurance-driven operations. If you want quality new patients, you could not make a better investment than in one of All-Star’s training programs. I highly recommend them!

Bill Mulcahy

Vice President of Dental Revenue

All-Star on Dental Town

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"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

1. Get QUALITY patients without selling

2. Banish broken appointments

3. Reduce turnover by 25%

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