Create Your Fortress of Solitude

The Fortress of Solitude is where Superman learned about all the knowledge of Krypton (his highly advanced home planet that was destroyed when its sun exploded). In addition to Superman’s quickening as a young adult, Superman would visit the Fortress of Solitude from time to time to find answers to difficult questions, to relax, and to learn.

After Superman was recharged from visiting his Fortress of Solitude, he was more cunning and powerful in overcoming villians.

Here’s how you can Create your Fortress of Solitude:

1. Pick a Place: It could be a place in your home, your car, a specified location, or a space you create in your mind.

2. Build & Fortify It: The more time you spend in your fortress, the more powerful and sacred it becomes. Your thoughts and time spent give life to it. Each time you enter, you reinforce its walls and energy.

3. Immerse Yourself: Create uninterrupted time throughout the day in 15 minute intervals to go into your fortress. Meditation is one form–where you sit quietly and allow your thoughts to come and go. This will help to create stillness and balance. Alternatively, you could use your fortress as a learning center. Listen to audio programs that inspire you and reprogram you. This can even be done while walking or in you car.

Like Superman, you too will become empowered after visiting your Fortress of Solitude. The stillness and learning received, will enable you to take on the world with greater peace and effectiveness.

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