Goal Setting Strategies – Study Club

All Star Goal Setting Strategies is our end-of year Study Club where you can take some time to reflect on the successes of the past year, and identify areas that need attention. Busy dentists often overlook analysis and planning, but as the CEO of your business, it is critical for long-term success to measure past performance and understand weaknesses.

Join Larry Guzzardo – 25-year practice management consultant (and All-Star Dental Academy’s Head Instructor), and myself for an hour where we examine the basics of “looking back and planning forward.”

In this Study Club, we covered:

  • How to get past procrastination and get started on setting realistic goals for your dental practice
  • Some basic “Key Performance Indicators” and what they mean
  • How to make goal setting fun
  • Tips for fine-tuning your goal setting process

To watch the entire study club, click here. (You must be logged into All-Star Dental Academy as a student. If you are not a student, please contact us to learn how to join.)

Consider this to illustrate the importance of goals…

Mark McCormack, in his book, “What They Don’t Teach You in the Harvard Business School,” tells of a Harvard study conducted between 1979 and 1989.  In 1979, the graduates of the MBA program at Harvard were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” It turned out that only 3% of the graduates had written goals and plans.  13% had goals, but they were not in writing.  Fully 84% had no specific goals at all, aside from getting out of school and enjoying the summer.

Ten years later, in 1989, they interviewed the members of that class again.  They found that the 13% who had goals, but which were not in writing were earning on average twice as much as the 84% of students who had had no goals at all.  But most surprisingly, they found that the 3% of graduates who had clear, written goals when they left Harvard were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97% of graduates all together.  The only difference between the groups was the clarity of the goals they had for themselves when they started out.

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