Case Presentation Formula with Eric Vickery

Eric Vickery will be sharing a process that will make case presentation simple and easy for anyone on the team. Focus 95% of your energy and time on what is important… and only 5% of your time on treatment discussion. Patients are so afraid the dentist will pressure them into doing something they don’t absolutely “need.” Just ask your administrator how often they here the patients say, “Oh, I was just getting ready to call you. That tooth’s not even bothering me, so I’m going to go ahead and cancel that appointment.” Eric will show you how you will know that your patients “WANT” to schedule instead of them feeling like they are scheduling just “because you said so.”

  • How to not make your patients feel like you are pressuring them
  • Move the presentation from a push sell to a pull purchase
  • How to be comfortable focusing 95% of your energy talking about what matters – NOT treatment
  • How to avoid making the mistake that 64% of the time dental offices continue to make
  • How to KNOW you truly have COMMITMENT from the patient

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