The Egg Approach to Dental Time Management

The egg is probably the most efficient protein source there is. The egg is also one of the most productive dental time management tools there is.

“Huh,” you may say.

I’m not referring to a real egg. I’m referring to an egg timer.

For those who do not know what an egg timer is, an egg timer is an actually timer that looks like an egg and it counts down. Your watch, phone, or kitchen timer does the same thing.

The trick here is to use a timer when you work and just focus on that activity. Shut down your phone. Tell your staff that you will not allow interruptions. This rule should be in effect when you are treating patients and writing up cases. You can use this technique in everything you do.

Consider this: work for 50 minutes straight and then take a 5 to 10 minute break. If you have a longer case, do 120 minutes with a 20-30 minute break.

The point is that when you are working, you are really working!

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