The Future of Dentistry

Dentistry is changing in a big way. Patients know more and are becoming immune to the sales tactics that worked five years ago. With online review sites, increased search and social media, and competition, dentists not only have to provide amazing dentistry, but also outstanding customer service.

Listen to Alex Nottingham, CEO of All-Star Dental Academy, and Larry Guzzardo, All-Star Dental Academy’s Head Instructor, talk about improving your schedule and new patient flow in an ethical way, as Marilee Sears, Future of Dentistry Host, interviews them.

If you need help filling your schedule, you won’t want to miss this one!

We talk about the importance of training your team, serving your patients and how to make your practice stand out from the crowd.

In this Future of Dentistry interview, you will learn:

  • The steps that doubled one dentist’s production in one year
  • What patients really want
  • Why hype and sales do not work anymore
  • How to avoid broken and missed appointments

Alex Nottingham, J.D., M.B.A. is a bestselling author with Brian Tracy and consults for dental & medical organizations helping them achieve breakthrough success in the millions. He is a former Tony Robbins top coach and consultant. Alex received his Juris Doctor (JD) and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Florida International University.

Larry Guzzardo is 24-year career as a training specialist began with in-house training programs such as active listening, customer service, stress management, and career development, but quickly shifted so he could focus full-time on dental consulting.Larry wo rks one-on-one with dentists in practice management, business systems, and leadership development, and presents workshops on topics including, “Winning Patient Acceptance of Fine Dentistry,” “Working with You is Tearing Us Apart,” and “The Leadership Challenge.” Larry is an accomplished speaker and published author.


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Recent Podcast Episodes

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Firefighter vs Firelighter

Alex Nottingham JD MBA discusses how to handle problems effectively with applying the concept of the "Three Cs": Catch, Check, Change. Resources: Dental Practice Growth Webinar  Dental Coaching All-Star Online Training About Alex Nottingham JD MBA Alex is the CEO and...

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Leading the New Generation

Larry Guzzardo and Alex Nottingham JD MBA discuss leadership strategies to meet the expectations of the current generation for a harmonious workplace and cultural growth. Resources: Dental Practice Growth Webinar  Dental Coaching All-Star Online Training About Larry...

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On Purpose Culture

Motivational Moments with Eric Vickery: Learn the steps to create and define team culture commandments and the emphasis of intentional culture building. Resources: All-Star Live Dental Training Events Dental Coaching Dental Practice Growth Webinar  About Eric Vickery...

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80/20 Rule: The Pareto Principle

Alex Nottingham JD MBA discusses the power of the Pareto Principle in dentistry! Learn how focusing on the vital 20% can yield 80% of your results, boosting productivity, profits, and joy. Resources: Dental Practice Growth Webinar  Dental Coaching All-Star Online...

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Beat A DSO Titan with $5k

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Limited Time: FREE eBook

"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

1. Get QUALITY patients without selling

2. Banish broken appointments

3. Reduce turnover by 25%

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