Maximize Your Practice in a Healthy and Sustainable Way

Robyn Reis discusses how intentional leadership and team training fosters sustainable growth and success. See more of Robyn at the Practice Growth Summit 2024 with All-Star Dental Academy®!


About Robyn Reis

Robyn began her dental career in 1998 as a marketing and communications director for a large group practice, and instantly fell in love with the world of dentistry. She has spent every waking moment since learning, growing and collaborating with dentists and their teams utilizing her expertise in all aspects of dental practice management, marketing, communications, HR, continuing education, and laboratory sales. Robyn’s personal goals are to make a difference in someone’s life every single day and to give the best of herself to those around her.

About Alex Nottingham JD MBA

Alex is the CEO and Founder of All-Star Dental Academy®. He is a former Tony Robbins top coach and consultant, having worked with companies upwards of $100 million. His passion is to help others create personal wealth and make a positive impact on the people around them. Alex received his Juris Doctor (JD) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Florida International University.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


Welcome to Dental All-Stars. I’m Alex Nottingham, founder and CEO of All-Star Dental Academy. And with me is Robyn Reis, Director of the All-Star Hiring Service. And this interview is part of a collection of interviews focusing on business and personal growth. And our topic is, Maximize Your Practice in a Healthy and Sustainable Way. Please welcome Robyn.



Hi Alex. Hello. Glad to be here. All right, well we’re gonna have a lot of fun today. I was joking, it says, doing a podcast with me is flying with the Riddler. So it’s gonna be a lot of fun. And yes it is. And no preparation is preparation. So you’re gonna be speaking, just to kind of give some background about a lot of things we’re gonna be throwing around, is you are the director of All-Stars hiring service.



So that’s one theme about hiring. You have to keep in mind and the state of hiring. You’re talking about at the practice growth summit this May coming up, and I’ll put links to that event in Fort Lauderdale. You’re going to be speaking about how to maximize your practice in a healthy and sustainable way. And another topic is retention as well. We’ll talk about it a little bit here too because you want to hire and you want to make sure you retain them.



And then at the very end of this discussion is in addition to you doing speaking at the main session, which I believe is at the 17th and 18th, if I’m getting that right, the 16th, the day before you Larry Guzzardo and Heather, we’ll talk about that. She’s a phone skills instructor and Larry’s our head instructor. You guys are doing a phone skills bootcamp. And so I’m really want to know why is, is our



director of All-Star hiring in this setting. So we’ll keep that. I don’t want to know that yet, but I want to hear at the end why you’re there, okay, and why that’s so important to you that you’re helping with phone skills of all things. So we’re going to be enlightened in this discussion. So I like to start because we’re doing this series on growth. Just tell me how would you define growth in general?



and let’s see where you go with it and why is it important.



Great question, Alex. Growth from my viewpoint from a coach and hiring person is more about nurturing what you already have, so your existing team, and giving them opportunities to learn new things, expand their skill set, expand their leadership capability, and in doing so you help them grow.



By helping the team grow, you then, of course, help your business grow because people get energized when they learn something new, especially if it’s something that is really interesting to them. But if they know that they’re becoming more and more valuable to the organization for which they work, they are then going to take exceptional care of the customers, the patients for the organization. And also, they…



feel like they are contributing to a greater bit, a greater whole, something bigger than themselves. And that we know through tons of research, psychology, the Gallup Organization, they tell us that people really truly thrive in those kinds of environments where they know that they’re contributing their skills, their talents to the greater good. Excellent. And as I’m thinking, if your introduction wasn’t enough,



I always just want to give some more background for those who don’t, it may have been the first time meeting you, but you used to run multiple offices, you ran dental offices in the past. You are a full service practice management consultant and coach for many, many years and still do that. You also lead the hiring service. And so you specialize over the years in HR issues and hiring, being a lead consultant for Ben Erickson. They’ll be at the event as well when they’re one of the leading HR firms.



I kind of threw out just hiring service that kind of you have a broad reach and that might speak to my later questions. I just want to throw that out there as well as I’m thinking about that. Okay. So you explained to me your definition of growth. Now kind of as we move towards retention, we’ll get there into a moment. What is the state of hiring? I know that’s a big issue. Tell me what are you seeing out there as we update because we have seen in terms of this



recording being dropped and released. There has been some improvement in economic situations. What have you seen in the hiring front with what you guys do at the hiring service?



Great question. And it’s probably one that I can’t give you a definitive answer because it’s always a moving target. Right. So the ADA came out with a report. I hire dental, came out with report, dental post came out with report, Gallup came out with report. A lot of people are focused on, you know, what’s the state of business and what’s the state of hiring. And it really is, you know,



it’s important for businesses to know this because businesses are run by people, right? So for dentistry, we know that it’s still a chaotic moving target because of the licensing that’s required for dental hygienists, the state of people coming into the workforce is very, it’s still trickling in, it’s happening, but it’s trickling in.



And our hiring team is still being successful with practices across the country. And we also find those pockets that are appearing in the report of very low applications, very low workforce candidates, you know, looking for a job. And in some places, the unemployment is very, very low. So we don’t have a lot of people looking for new roles. Now the



The flip side of that is we do know that our workforce in general, majority, and when I say majority, about 70% of the workforces disengaged or actively disengaged, which means they’re miserable and they’re looking for another job. And about 40% of dental employees that were polled are employed, but they’re actively looking for their next opportunity.



So we also know hygienists are making changes, associate dentists are making changes. And again, that’s the lifeblood of what happens in business, you ebb and flow with your teammates. However, we have to pay attention to in dentistry, how well are we taking care of our existing team? You’ve heard the adage, you know.



pay them really well so they don’t want to leave and train them really well so they, you know, become more valuable to the organization. I want to speak to both, yeah, I’ll speak to both. Those are great points. So those are the things that our team is, you know, very, very highly aware of. And we do have people that are applying that say, you know, I’m just not happy where I’m at because I don’t feel valued, I don’t feel heard. So money will always be



part of the probably top five things for why people change their position, but we’re also seeing that’s creeping up to the number one, number two spots are that work-life balance, knowing that I have a life outside the practice. But also benefits are another big one. People want to help with that investment in their health, making sure that they do have coverage. And again, going back to…



Money is a motivator. No matter how fulfilling the role, money will still matter. I love the quote and it’s something to what you said. You gotta pay them enough where money is no longer an issue. Right, I knew I would do that. Whatever, I mean, we’re gonna play around with some of these quotes, but you spoke to that, that it’s the cost of doing business. And there’s a few things that I want to think about to throw out there. One is that what I look at



is when you are training and investing in people, this is going to come to a tension piece in a moment, is it’s almost like an insurance policy in a sense that you’re spending, you’re already going to, the economy is going to force you to pay what the workforce is demanding. And that’s going to be a certain rate. Now, if you put some of that money in coaching, in events, in improving your team, what happens is you’re going to end up



raising their level to exceed what you’re paying them. You’re gonna get more of what you have. And remember what Uncle Jay always told us? What happens if we train them and they leave, right? We’re concerned about that. And really we’ve got to change that mindset. What if we don’t train them and they stay? So I’m overpaying them, they’re disengaged and they’re staying. So we have to be proactive and get ahead of the curve. We have to pour into people.



It was interesting speaking with Shelly, our integrator. She runs our business here at All-Star, the entire business. And what was interesting, she was saying in one of our talks, and she corrected me. I love when she corrects me, you too. And she said, you know, it’s interesting, because I said something about her doctor invested in her in terms of, and that’s how she became what she was capable of doing. She says, and she said if she didn’t, she would never be where she is. She says, no, that’s wrong, Alex. If that doctor did not invest in me, I was going somewhere else.



because I knew in me, I wanted more. And it’s interesting, I think at first we were shocked when people were like, well, I want purpose and work. Like, that hasn’t, that’s the new generation, millennials plus, which I’m kind of on the cusp of millennial, but they’re like, we used to just work. Why are they doing that? So let’s not fight City Hall, we’re gonna lose, but let’s see, there’s something to this that, and, and.



People, like you said, they want purpose now. They were locked down for a while. They had a chance to reflect and say, wait a second, my life is limited. Is this where I’m gonna be? We spend so much time together, we better enjoy what we do. And why not have it all? And so once you take money away as just the issue, then it’s like, can I create something? Now this is something we had a…



a podcast you and I did, I’ll put a link to that, recruitment versus hiring. We have a hiring recruitment service. We call it hiring because hiring is a tactic and we’re very good at it, okay? And that’s why we do it for lots and lots of dentists. But the fact that we hire, we’re missing the point that we can’t do necessarily, which is recruitment. Recruitment means as you’re bringing somebody to a cause, we can reflect the cause in what we do, but the dental office has to establish their vision, right, and what they stand for.



and get people to buy into that. That’s the next level. That’s where you have people where they’re just, they’re drinking the Kool-Aid, so to speak. And that’s where we want, if you want an amazing practice, okay, you gotta get your team to wanna be here. And that’s what we’re experimenting with All-Star, right? I mean, I’m always worried, like I use you as a barometer Robin, because you’re like, I’m gonna, yes, I will get paid well, you know, what you do, but.



I want to have freedom, I want this, I want this, and you deserve it, right? And so All-Star has to be capable of working with a person of high standards like yourself, right? So we’re trying to teach that with the team. So I threw a lot of things out. Do you care to comment on that?



Just that, yes, we’ve had numerous conversations about that. Couldn’t agree more. I mean, I think what we’re noticing again is most of the applicants that we’re talking to, and of course we have our people relocating or they went back to school, they were an assistant, they went back to school, they wanna become a hygienist. But for the majority of the people that we speak to, it is a, I’m ready.



much like Shelly, you know, I’m ready to take my stuff to the next level, my doctor, my practice, that’s just not in their timeframe. And so I’m looking for my next opportunity. And I appreciate the fact that some people are aware enough, self-aware enough that they know, okay, I’ve reached my ceiling here. You know, what are the other options out there?



what else can I do? What else can I learn? What else can I bring? And that’s exciting for us to match them with practices that have those opportunities and they’re out there, a lot of them are out there. And we also appreciate the fact that practices also know, we’ve had doctors call us and say, hey, I have this amazing team member, she’s moving. Do you know of anybody that’s like my practice? Can you help him or her?



find a new position with a similar practice. So we know that there are practices out there that have these opportunities. And when people recognize that, hey, I don’t know if I’m going anywhere further, I need to take my own future into my hands, they’re reaching out and that’s helpful for us. That’s awesome. So in your title, you talk about sustainability, which I think speaks to retention. And before I ask you about retention, that’s our next.



part of the discussion. Since I have you here, I’m going to put you in a hot seat. So you have a hiring service. Of course, it’s all star. So I’m for it. Why, why would a dentist want to, I’m going to be that pain in the butt dentist, right? I’m like the worst client. That’s so you always got to build products around me, but why, why would I work with you to do all my hiring? Let’s do it myself. You know, why, why use a hiring service like all star or somebody else? I’ll do it. I’m the dentist.



You know what, I will channel my inner Heather, because I know she gets these calls all the time. Right, Heather? I would tell you, and it’s a great question, and a lot of people do. They’re like, why should I work with you when I have an office manager or somebody that I can have take care of this for me? And the most basic answer that I can give is, is that the best use of your office manager or dental assistants or front office?



team members time. It really comes down to time and money. And you’re there to serve your patients. They’re coming in for a service, they’re paying you for that service, and they want the best of the best. They want your attention. Our team gets to do all of the time consuming stuff, job posts, monitoring the job boards.



talking to applicants, going through the resumes, weeding out those people that are qualified, not qualified, babies, talking to them on the phone. And we get ghosted, so we know that doctors and office managers get ghosted when, why are you waiting for that person to call you when you have a patient in front of you? Or you have a team member that has an issue that you have to now go look and solve. So the most basic.



elementary answer is, why should somebody work with our hiring services? Because we have the time. We have the time and the resources to help you pay attention to your business, pay attention to your patients, and we’ll do all the legwork for you. That’s a great answer. I was role playing with Heather about this. This is a common question. I mean, she handles it so gracefully. And just thinking about it, because you have to think about, okay, as a dentist, and we know the cost of replacing people is like…



one at least one or three times their salary based on Ben Erickson and other their research out there. And if you… And that’s the financial cost, right? What about the emotional cost? Exactly. And the stress. Exactly. Like is that something you want to like look at? Like even… So let’s just say that your service and me, I’m Dr. Nottingham, right? I can do it just as good as you, which is unlikely, okay? You’re going to obviously be more skilled.



But like for me to deal with that, to get ghosted, to worry about it, like I’m producing thousands of dollars an hour and my team is producing thousands of dollars an hour to put them on something else they’re not as good at that I potentially could make things worse by making mistakes in the HR situation, which a whole nother can of worms. And that happens. That happens too. All right, I’m not allowed to do any HR for our business for obvious reasons of my personality. No you’re not. I am a big.



liability so that they put me in a little box. So I can use my podcasts because you can edit out anything that was inappropriate. So those are some things just to think about. And I’m not just for the hiring server, I’m just talking about in general, dentists. All our talks are here, how to be better at business and an entrepreneur. And you gotta pick and choose, what are you great at? What are you good at? What are you great at and what do you love doing? And if those are not meeting well, the more you optimize those,



The happier you’ll be, the more productive you’ll be. And the same thing with your team. Larry Gazada, our head instructor will say, if you really don’t like your team, give them, have them basically find and replace a broken appointment the day of. Have them find them and fill that in. So you don’t wanna give your best people the worst situations. And I keep hearing this thing about being proactive, getting ahead of the situation by thinking not just about what you’re doing with hiring, but about…



how you are recruiting people, what you set up your business to be, that people wanna be there. And they’re not just widgets. Because if you treat people like widgets, they’re treating you like widgets, and it’s just a transaction. I hear so many dentists say, I wish they bought in like I do, but they just look at it as a job. And I think that’s a failure of leadership, that if they’re looking at it like a job, then did you build the vision of what you want it to be? Probably not. Retention, retention.



How do we build retention out of it’s inability? Sure. Well, before you move on to that, let me just comment about what you were saying. If you love it, and we meet office managers and front office people that love the recruiting process, that love the hiring, they wanna meet the people, and we partner with them too, so it’s not a all or nothing. We help supplement what it is that they do. So if they have somebody that loves going through the resume and talking to people,



We’re another pair of eyes. We’re another person that we can ask questions. We help them along to help them make the best choice for their team. And it does mean understanding and knowing their vision, their mission, values alignment. That’s huge because we know when doctors and office managers, they’re desperate for somebody, you know, to fill the role because they’re stressed, they have…



additional duties and they’re farming it out and everybody’s just you know at their max level and they just make a snap decision to say oh this is a person that has a little bit of experience, a lot of experience doesn’t matter let’s just plug them in and we know when when those decisions are made in haste it’s usually not a good fit long term and so we want to help those practices that do enjoy part of the process to help them make the best choice possible.



Alex, you and I have talked about, don’t be the employer of chance, be the employer of choice. And that goes part of the retention and the branding and the values and the vision that is clearly communicated to the community so that people that are looking for a job, they wanna come work for you. Same thing with patients. They want the best of the best in dental care in their community, you want them to choose you. So the same thing goes with…



Creating a brand and a reputation that attracts talented team members. What was that quote? Beautiful quote.



You want to be the employer of choice, not chance. You want to be the employer. You want to be the employer of choice, not chance. And I like what you said is that you’re partnering with the dentist. You can’t listen. You can’t just say, hey, take your hiring. I’m not involved. You are involved. It’s your brain or firepower. You will be involved in the process. Even to the extent that I had one dentist I was telling you about with one of our hiring specialists that was like, I wish.



I could hire that hiring special to be part of my, we get that a lot, be part of my practice. Like I’m sad that it’s over and I wish they could help. So that was really interesting. Very, very good points. Well, and the other thing too is, you know, we can accomplish, our team can accomplish in one hour, a heck of a lot more than somebody who’s in an office can accomplish in an hour. Because again, we’re not distracted. Yes. We’re not distracted. Beautiful.



Oh, so much good stuff. I mean, every little nuance, we can spend a whole hour on that. I’m gonna have so much fun. And I think you’re starting to see, we’re almost answering the question by even, that’s the cool thing is as you start things off well, you start solving other issues. So if you have a good phone call, you’re gonna reduce broken appointments just from the phone call. And if you hire and recruit properly, you’re gonna set up retention properly. So let me ask you this.



Because I love focusing on the pain. It makes us pay attention. No pain, no gain. So with retention, what are the common mistakes dental offices have where they blow it when it comes to retention, keeping people? They did all this work, they found a great person. Where are they kind of failing on the retention? Which is speaking to sustainability, it’s not sustainable. I would say…



The lack of one-on-one conversations, checking in with their team members, understanding who their team members are as human beings outside the practice, what motivates them, what keeps them staying in the practice. I think a lot of doctors shy away from it, number one, not because they don’t like it, but they just don’t feel adequately trained to do it. I’m sure you’ve spoken to many dentists that…



hate the annual performance review. Well, the good news is those annual performance reviews are out the window. We don’t do them anymore. What we now implement are more one-on-one conversations on a regular basis. And what I mean by that is maybe it’s on a quarterly basis if you have a small team. It’s a 15, 20 minute check-in. How’s it going? How can I best support you? When was the last time you thought about leaving and why?



And that’s a little bit of a spicy question. And I know some doctors probably don’t want to know the answer. And those that ask that question, they show vulnerability, their willingness to hear and learn, OK, as an employer, what can I change? Sometimes it’s as simple as, hey, you know, it’d be really nice if we had coffee in the staff break room.



or if there were some granola bars that we could grab during the day, that would really be helpful. Gosh, that’s such a simple, simple fix. And yet, a lot of doctors don’t ask the question, and so they don’t know, and then a talented team member decides they wanna leave, and we end up talking to them, and we learn these things. So I think it’s really important when we talk about what can we do to retain our team members is number one,



culture that they never want to leave. Have competitive pay and benefits that again they never want to leave. Create opportunities for learning and growth so they feel fulfilled. And you know again stay stay in connection with them. Let them know that they truly are a part of your team, your family. I again personally have experienced times where I don’t think my boss knew how long I was with the organization.



Wow. I just seemed like I was there for forever. And it’s true. And I loved what I did and the practice I worked with. And there were so many opportunities for me there. And I don’t think my boss knew. A part of me is a little overwhelmed as if I was a dentist, but there’s so much to do. And even think about, even if you are working with the hiring service or what have you.



It’s still a lot to think about and to be responsible. And again, this isn’t their nature. Many of you, you may know my story. My father’s a dentist and that’s what I got into it because he wasn’t great at business and I helped him help his practice. We took it from bankruptcy to very, very successful. But that’s kind of going in. I keep remembering the avatar that dentists are, they wanna do dentistry. They’re mostly tacticians. And it’s like, oh, this is a lot. And I think…



We want to acknowledge it is, it is a lot. Even for All-Star, we get to do this all day and it’s a lot. And the amount of trust that we work out, it’s every day we’re feeling trust and building trust and talking about trusting, having difficult conversations. And I remember we had in our- It’s intentional too. It doesn’t happen by accident. It doesn’t. And even things that are hard. I remember a year ago we had a conversation as Alex, we got to talk. And it wasn’t terrible, but it’s like, listen, this is what I want to make sure you understand. And I’m like, I appreciate that. You made me cry.



in a good way. But so it takes and so what I want to say is, is keep listening to our podcasts and we’re putting out, we have eBooks, a lot of things we’re going, this is just free stuff. Just to stay with these conversations. We’re going to keep having these conversations and I hope, because I know we will repeat some of it because you need to, repetition is a mother of skill. You’re going to forget it. That’s coaching.



We’ve got speakers and great industry experts who really share their knowledge. Um, that really helps every business, not just dentistry, but any other doesn’t like when I say it, but I’m gonna say anyway, but we’ll think for you because don’t say that. But what I mean by that is we do think a lot of this stuff. You don’t have to recreate the wheel is we, we, we’re not like we’re doing the event, the practice growth summit. And we even have a practice growth ebook. I’ll put, put that here as well.



but there’s so much stuff that we’re just dedicated, our focus is to continue to provide not just great service, but also for those that are not using a service or whatever, that’s fine. Provide dental community so much great support and knowledge and conversations that it benefits dentistry as a whole. And of course, we’ve been doing this a long time, it’s not difficult for us to be able to serve the clientele, but I think you have to also speak to dentistry as a whole.



Same thing, it was a dental practice. You’re gonna have the people that come to you, but even the ones that don’t, you have to make an impact on their lives. So you focus on that mission and good things come. So I love what you’re saying. So let me throw kind of a wrench in here. As we talked about retention, the last part we’re gonna say is phone skills. So you’re leading a bootcamp, okay, the day before it’s an intensive. So if you go to alls I didn’t mention an event, where is it? Alls If you go there, and I’ll put a link as well,



You’ll see the syllabus, which is the agenda. You’ll see, we also have the main event, which as of the time of this recording, Robin, we’re nearly, we’re probably close to halfway full already. And by the time you’re listening, it will be near sold out when this drops. Fine, but in addition, we have these smaller intensives which are only 20 people. And one of them was phone skills. The day before, that’s one of our options that you can add that on.



But Robin, why are you leading? You’re leading this with our head instructor and with Heather, our phone skills instructor. Tell me, what’s going on? What is the hiring service director there? Well, I’m glad you qualified, and I am not leaving it myself. I have two incredible industry experts as well, Heather being the one who helped create.



the great call process. Help, help create. And Larry Guzzardo who has. She created it. Who helped her? Nobody. Oh, I thought you and her first did it together. She gets full credit. We don’t do that. Okay, I’ll give Heather the full credit for that. She won’t share that. That’s hers. We share it, we share it. And Larry, he’s been in the dental industry, he has been in so many practices. And I think we all, the three of us, really share the same.



commitment and passion for our dental clients and that is, you know, being so good at our hellos and goodbyes. It’s how we answer the phone. It’s how we welcome. It’s how we ask questions. It’s listening to our callers because they’re people and they’re not just the question that they ask. Do you take my insurance? Are you taking new patients? How much is your crown?



Those are all curiosity questions and people don’t have enough information. So it’s our job as dental professionals to welcome them and to help them understand and get clarity on what is it that they’re truly asking? Cause we know that first question, is it necessarily the true question? So we have to uncover that. And the grade call process is such an amazing step-by-step mindset to think.



that every caller is going to get the same kind of experience. And again, we know people who answer the phone are the ones that really build that reputation and that relationship with the person. That caller is now getting a sense of what kind of practice this is based on the person who answers the phone. And I would dare say the reason that I love, love, love being on the phone, and I miss that working in a practice.



but I get to work with clients and help them get really, really good on the phone. But it’s also hand-in-hand with team members. We spend a lot of time attracting new patients and doing all the right things in the marketing, the messages. When they have the courage to pick up the phone, we have to be answering that phone with intention, but warmth and welcome and no question is a silly question.



It is, I am here to serve you, I am here to help. Same thing as employers, again going back to that, be the employer of choice, not chance. Same thing with patients. You wanna be the dental practice that they choose and not just looking up a list and calling and saying, okay, I’ll take you. We wanna make sure that we are aligned, that our vision, our philosophy is in alignment. And so with team members too, we spend a lot.



We focus a lot on bringing on new team members. The retention part is how do we hold on to those talented team members? And the other hand is, you know, as we welcome new patients into our practice, how do we still take care of our existing patients? The ones that are, you know, providing 80% of our business, the ones that love us, trust us, refer to us, become ambassadors in the community. So for me, it just seems hand in hand. It’s a natural parallel.



to work with patients, but also to work with team members. So a few things come to mind. First is phone skills as first impressions. And with the hiring service as well, it’s all about first impressions. And if you can handle, if you know phone skills, you can be great at that. And of course, as I mentioned before, your breadth as a consultant and coach, it’s always phone skills, it’s always phone skills. And it’s so easy to overlook that. It’s very interesting. I know many have watched the Super Bowl. There was an ad where



There are some things about AI, of course. Another ad, I forget what it was, maybe it was State Farm, I don’t know, but they said, when you call, you will get a live person, not a bot, not AI. So meaning, Discover Card, there is a demand that people wanna talk to people. And maybe a few hundred years down the road where we’re partly cyborg and that’s not important, but as of now, people crave that.



And we saw that with the pandemic as well, the human touch, that. So that is not going out of style. And that will separate you, because I will tell you this, I know the secret dentist, I know what’s in your mind. Every one of you, and you’re not listening to this if you don’t agree with this, you want a service-based practice. You want to practice, you go in and you love what you do and the people, no drama, you’re making a great living, you’re making a difference. I don’t know any of you that would disagree with me.



And if you did, you wouldn’t be listening to me. Nothing I say would resonate, but that is the collective vision. I’m giving it, I’m given the secret. I always ask what’s your vision. I know the answer, right? That’s what it is. And so any version of that is a wonderful life. So, uh, Robin, uh, again, I can have you here much longer. We, I said 15 minutes. We’re now on 30. And if I keep bringing up issues, we’re going to keep going longer. So let me give some, some, and you know, well, and everything you say is great.



We were joking. We said, we said, Oh, that’s my title for the presentation. Like, that’s what you gave me. I’m like, like, yeah, okay, I’ll build the PowerPoint around you can build around anything. Because you’re so you have such a wide variety of wisdom. It’s so wonderful. And we’re so excited to have you at the practice growth summit. You’ll be there and it’s not yes, to meet everybody down there and just absorb



what the presenters are going to give us. I mean, such incredible content. I mean, I can’t believe we’re gonna cram it all in two days. It seems like it should be over long. Well, that’s why we have the intensive. If you want more, come to the intensive. And I think I was talking to Dr. Paul Etchinson and he made a great point that, again, the great speaking is the price of admission. We’re gonna do that. But besides that, you get to meet with everybody. It’s all this collective energy that’s just something you cannot replicate yet.



uh, with AI. Yeah, you can’t do it on zoom. You can’t do it online. So I’ll put it’s sitting in the chair next to somebody and sharing and learning and hearing what they’ve, you know, encountered. And if you have that or had that same problem, what you were able to do to solve it. And so that’s where the, a lot of the learning happens too is in the seats, the breakouts, the breaks, you know, dinner.



Lunch, all of it. All that kind of networking. So let me put some links down below. Whether it’s a podcast or YouTube, you’ll be able to find it. We’ll put a link to the hiring service, alls You can click hiring there slash hiring. Put a link there. Events, alls or go to alls and you can click events as well. Plus, we’re talking about phone skills in here is I do a webinar, dental practice excellence, and I update it every year.



at least once a year. And it is our flagship training, totally free. But I go over phone skills, broken appointments, how to reduce turnover. It’s a great foundation that, and if you’ve, if you listened to that before, do it again. This is a great webinar to come back to year after year. Absolutely. So I’ll put a link to that as well. Robin Reiss, the director of All-Stars Hiring Service. Thank you so much for being on the program.



Thanks Alex, it’s always a joy to talk to you. And go ahead and click likes and comments and all that fun stuff as well and share with your friends. I hope to see all of you in May. Yes, come in May, yes. And until next time, go out there and be an All-Star. We hope you enjoyed this episode of Dental All-Stars. Visit us online at

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