More Success with Implants

Jacob Hiller from Dental Implant Machine discusses advice for engaging patients and reducing friction to increase implant case acceptance.


About Jacob Hiller

Jacob Hiller provides sales and marketing training to the top dental implant providers nationwide, helping them reach 7 figures in implant production and new levels of freedom, success, and service. Jacob is the Chief Growth Officer at Dental Implant Machine, the dental industry’s leading agency dedicated to high-ticket dental service sales & marketing strategies.

About Eric Vickery

Eric holds a degree in business administration and brings a strong business and systems approach to his consulting. His initiation into the field of dentistry was in the area of office management. He managed dental practices for over ten years and has been consulting over 250 offices nationwide since 2001.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


This is Dental All-Stars, where we bring you the best in dentistry on marketing, management and training.


Welcome to Dental All-Stars. I’m Eric Vickery, President of Coaching at All-Star Dental Academy. I’m very excited to interview our guest today, Jacob Hiller of Dental Implant Machine. And today we’re gonna talk about how to create a higher rate of success with our dental implant new patients. And so this has been a very, very hot topic lately and I’m so excited to have Jacob just share his insights and just really give us some ways to change our practices for the better.


So let me tell you a little bit about Jacob. He wrote the book on jumping higher in 2007. That’s right. For those of you who are also listening that want to improve your vertical leap, Jacob’s your guy. So it’s interesting story. You’re gonna want to hear this story though. This has become the standard for athletes wanting to increase their vertical leap. What he didn’t realize was that the same tactics would eventually help dentists find, engage, and guide more dental implant patients to better health and wellbeing. So he took that


that knowledge that what launched his first career into a second career is how I would like to say it. So now Jacob is part owner of Dental Implant Machine and serves as Chief Growth Officer. He’s helped the largest and fasting growing dental implant doctors and organizations to scale growth using less known marketing tactics and creating a meaningful buyer’s journey for dental implant patients. Dental Implant Machine has done over 350 million in dental implant revenue


for its partners. So I’m very excited to hear what Jacob has for us today. And he’s gonna share some secret sauce with you, right, Jacob? That’s right. Awesome, awesome. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited to have you. So let’s just jump right in. Just give us some background because it’s such an interesting story that you have that I want you to share with everybody about this. And I guys, I gotta tell you, follow Jacob on Instagram. I was going, what is happening right now? I’m learning how to dunk all of a sudden.


and I’m learning about dental implants and all this stuff. So just share with us the correlation, your story, how you got to this place. Yeah, okay. Thank you, Eric. So as a kid, I was obsessed with jumping. And at some point, you know, I was hooking up athletes to electrodes, doing all this crazy stuff. And I kind of figured it out. I didn’t know I was going to go into that niche. And the next thing I know, I have launched into a YouTube channel and people are like, well, you need to make us.


a book and so I wrote the book, The Jump Manual. At some point, I served as a missionary when I was younger and I had a missionary partner who was there with me when I was training how to jump higher and all that stuff, when I kind of learned some of my methods. I brought him on and he became kind of a beast in his own right at marketing. He studied it, he came on new and we started doing an evaluation for our athletes. Find out what type of jumper you are.


and we’ll teach you how to jump higher. And so that works so well for us. And our product was a $49 product. So we were doing paid ads profitably on a tiny little product with really slim profit margins. And so that partner of mine went over dental implants and started using the evaluation in the dental implant space before it was a thing. So he took this idea of


let’s do an evaluation, how many teeth have you lost? So the whole evaluation style that you see all over dental implants now, he’s the one that brought it over to the dental implant space for patients. So before then, people were just booking straight to a schedule, and so he created this less friction way to engage the patient. Because we found that only about one to 2% will book an appointment, but 15% may fill out an evaluation. So,


It was really interesting to realize that what we did there, he brought in and really started crushing it for a lot of offices using this evaluation. Then of course, that buyer’s journey on the backend. So it’s just crazy for me to realize that what we were doing there to squeeze so much out of a $49 sale, we came into a space where the sale was a $40,000 sale and it was like a dream come true. And we realized just how much potential there was there.


I love that you use the term friction. This is a term that our clients should know and hear, so I’ll do a quick reminder. In business, there’s a term called friction, and you can add to this, Jacob. I’d love to hear your perspective on this as well. We talk about it as, hey, when you have a frictionless experience, it’s just easy for people to do business with you. The more friction you have in your business, in your flow, the harder it is for people to do business with you. In our side of it, in training the new patient phone call, it is…


Do we do a good enough job at converting the new patient caller into an actual new patient appointment? So, our case acceptance, how do you make the perception to be easier for the people to do business with you? Is that how you would define it? What would you add to that? Yeah, you know, the way I look at it is if, I think that most offices are thinking of the patient journey from the moment they step in the door or from the moment.


the phone call happens. But if they can extend their influence to before then, they suddenly open up a huge audience of people who aren’t as warm as the people who walk in the door. But if you know how to engage them and how they want to engage, you can bring them in the door. And so, being able to see that buyer’s journey from that patient journey from the moment they have questions or the moment they have the courage to start reaching out about it.


We quickly realized that they’re scared to get on the phone. They’re scared to come into the office. There’s, there’s friction, there’s anxiety, but what they do want is to see if they qualify, they do want to see maybe a pricing guide, for example, there’s different things that they are willing to have a value exchange, but they’re not willing to getting to an uncomfortable situation yet. Love it.


We also use a system called the trust curve. Dr. Ted Morgan, one of our presenters and partners and coaches, one of my mentors and friends, wrote an article a while back about the trust curve. And what I’m hearing in what you’re talking about is also building trust because what he talks about a lot is, hey, the more time and energy and relationship time you have with these patients, if you do it well, the trust should be going up. You ever notice like a highly referred new patient comes into you?


feel this trust level is just so much higher versus a cold call, right? This just off the streets calling you. And so what I also hear you guys doing is, Hey, you’re also building some rapport. You’re improving trust. I feel like I could trust this office based upon the experience I’m having before I ever even get in the door. Is that a fair assessment? Absolutely. And I think education is one way to gain trust. Like every aha that you give a dental implant patient, now you’ve earned more trust. And so.


the evaluation methods that we’ve used is also an opportunity to educate them about bone density, educate them about the different types of implant solutions out there. And so when they’re able to now position themselves with a certain, I don’t know if celebrity is the right word, but with some authority and some social proof as they’re going through this process, then they come in, um, with much more confidence and trust. We call that credibility. Yeah. Yeah. Credibility. So,


Everything you do, this is a reminder for clients, right? Everything you do is either a plus or minus on the credibility factor. Every experience and dental implant machine, I think is putting you in a position to be even more credible before they ever call your office. So let’s get into it. So dental space, you’ve obviously been in these two industries. You know, you’ve seen contrast, you’ve seen overlaps. Tell me about your insights into the dental space and where you are with the dental space and all of that now.


Yeah, you know, what’s so cool about the dental space and what’s interesting about the implant space within the dental space is I almost, my analogy is this, like you could be renting cars, you could be a rental car company, right? Easy. People come in, what car do I want? And they make their decision. It’s very quick. And now suddenly they’re selling cars. And so there’s this process that the rental car process is not the same as.


buying a new car and all the status and family decisions that come with it. So it’s almost like there’s two industries, two very different processes that are taking place. And I really love the dental implant space just because that journey is the outcome for the patient is life changing. And because of that, they don’t hate their dentist or dread the dentist. That dentist will forever be a hero and someone that…


And so I just love that kind of business within a business of implants. And I see it as so different from typical dentistry that you can just sell out of the chair. It’s very clinical. Yeah. Yeah, so I just, I love that part. You’re attaching clinical to the emotional. The patient’s gonna come from an emotional standpoint. These are some of the happiest patients. These are great video testimonials when we do that delivery and they’re biting in the apple or whatever it is, right? There’s such an emotional surge here. So if you can…


in the chair connect their, like we talked about before, connect their emotional reason for why they’re buying to this process of the clinical side of the implant, what that’s gonna connect. You know, you want peace of mind, you want, you know, you don’t wanna have dentures in a cup like your grandfather did, whatever that is, that emotional reason. Now all of a sudden you’ve got a win-win on both sides of it, clinical, credibility expert, and the emotional connection on the sales side. So let’s go deeper into this, in the dental space implants.


You mentioned something to me about the two comma club. I’m curious, I know our listeners, what does that mean, two commas? Because for me, I start hearing dollar signs. I don’t know what that is, but what does it mean to be in the two comma club? What are you talking about? So what Dental Implant Machine has really done is kind of married some of internet marketing that has worked really well with traditional dentistry.


So things like evaluation or lead magnets or trip wires, things that like aren’t really on the clinical or medical marketing forefront. So they’ve taken those things and webinars too. I remember stepping into a webinar where on that webinar, they scheduled like 44 consultations with patients. And it was one of our traditional type of webinars that we were doing. And just to be part of that and realize that those were all patients about to pay $45,000. I was like, man, that.


That is a lot of fun and the patients were so happy for that education process. And so the two comma club is for every one of our clients who has done a million dollars through our process. So we have what we call a framework. We install the lead generation and then that whole patient journey. And everyone who does a million dollars or more will get one of our plaques be part of the two common club. We’ve had offices hit it multiple times. I had a multi office hit it over a hundred times. So they had 14 offices.


They’ve hit it over a hundred times. And so it’s been pretty fun. Wow. Wow. That’s impressive. So tell us more about this website. I’m hearing some phrases like, I can imagine people listening going, wait, he said Tripwire? What’s going on there? So obviously you’ve been testing some things. You’re getting great results from these things, but give us a technical dive here on what you guys are doing to be so different and get such great results over the last, gosh, you guys have been around a long time actually. How many years?


Seven years. So the last seven years, what’s changed? What’s, what’s working with these, these terms that you’re using, trip wire and all that. Yeah. That’s what, when I came from, you know, spending money on ads to sell sometimes a product that was literally $4 and 95 cents, we had a little booklet and we would get people to buy it for like two to $5. And so we came in and we realized in order to get that level of conversion,


We split tested constantly, which means that we ran one version of a page versus another version, and we saw which one won. There’s this assumption that the pretty one will always win. Sometimes it does. But what we found is the different value propositions that we tested over time, people would, they wanted to know about pricing. And so we have a pricing guide system where we can inform them and give them the framework of pricing on our own terms.


and that patients wanted to exchange value there, wanted to give their information for that and the evaluation worked very well. And so in marketing terms, we would call that a tripwire. It’s not a really pleasant term, but it means that like it’s just a little thing that gets them moving forward. So to make sure I understand, they give their email address to you to get information about pricing or whatever it is. Yeah, about pricing or if they qualify and what type of treatment they would need. So they’re willing to, they’re not willing to say,


let me come into the office and do a scenario on circumstance that I’m already embarrassed about, but the are willing to say, I will give you my email, my phone number in exchange for some of that value. Yeah. And now, now you’ve got them earlier in that buyer’s journey and can engage them with different automations or with, with your appointment scheduler. Yeah. So how does that turn into $1 million in implant production? Is that really reasonable?


Yeah, it’s definitely. So I mean, here’s here’s kind of the way it can the numbers can work. So you know, if it takes us $50 to generate a patient who is engaged with your brand. And then if we’re able to book, you know, 15 20% of those into an appointment, and 80% of them using kind of a framework that we have to get them to show up. So 80% show up. And then you


and you can get 25 to 40% of them to start a treatment, suddenly you’ve got an ROI. And if you could prove that ROI on $5,000 and it sticks and you’ve, you know, we call these our magic metrics. So at every stage of the magic metrics, we have a different training protocol to make sure we improve it. And so once those magic metrics are proving to stick, it’s time to scale up. And so obviously,


spending $100,000 looks different than spending $5,000, but it’s just a larger scale operation. There’s a lot. The first place that things can break down is the appointment schedule. I think it’s underestimated the impact and what happens at the level of appointment scheduling. What do you see there? What are some things you see? What do you guys do? I mean, that’s definitely your,


starting to talk our language here with the great call process and conversion. And you know, you could teach all you want and train all you want, coach all you want, but then the day it’s that administrator who’s on the phone with a patient, you know, and do they have the confidence, credibility? Do they have the skillset? Are they using the techniques to get the person to convert? So what do you guys see? I’m very curious. Yeah. So let’s say I get in office and they’re like, hey, I want to do 15 arches a month. And then I say, okay, let’s get real on because


We help a lot of people do that. What’s that look like? And then we look at it and we realize you’re gonna have to get, for example, 300 leads this month in order to get those eventual treatment starts. And if they have an office manager who’s kind of a hybrid role, that’s going to be an overwhelming amount of follow-up unless there’s a system in place and if that person is not dedicated. So just to realize that that appointment scheduler, not only do they…


do a lot of filtering, do they do a lot of follow-up, but they also get that the customer calls and says, how much is it? And they say, well, it’s 50,000. Do you want to do it? Suddenly your numbers, you’re not scheduling 15%. It’s not gonna happen. Yeah. So not only is there a systems workload issue that is usually unexpected, but there’s also a skills gap that needs to be closed to really make it work. Yeah. And there’s coaching and training involved in doing that. We all got to be on the same page with.


how do you convert a new patient phone call? So I want to review real quick. So let’s say I want, I’m just going to be a little more conservative. Let’s say I want five full mouth arches a month, all on fours, whatever it is, okay? I want to do five of those. And you’re saying that the call conversion rate is going to be about what percentage? What are you looking for? What’s your target? So about 15%. Okay, so 15%. So that means I get,


a hundred new patient calls or contacts or leads, I’m only gonna schedule 15 of those new patients. So I’m gonna give you these numbers kind of exactly. Okay, good. If you wanted to do five treatment starts, you’d probably need about 167 leads. Wow. So that would take, okay. And for 167 leads, you need to be booking around 25 of them to schedule. Okay, so 25 new patients to schedule. All right, yeah. And then that turns into 25, you’re gonna get a certain percentage of that, we’re gonna get five starts.


Yep. And we break it down one more to where how many actually show up. Oh, that’s right. 25, you need 20 of them to show up. 20 show up. And then, you know, we, and these are kind of our averages, like we have offices that are, that are unicorns and like, but these are, these are the averages that we see. Yeah. So 25% would be a close rate. You know, I work with an office, they had a 40% close rate, their numbers suddenly changed, you know, pretty drastic.


Most offices, when we ask them, I say, what’s your case acceptance like? Oh, we get about 80% case acceptance. And there’s so much emotion and feeling and confusion in that number. And so, you know, with a basic general office with all types of treatment, general dental office, all types of treatment there, here’s what we typically say, and let’s see where this lands with you, Jacob. So we want 80% of the people scheduling something. They have another appointment, okay? So they’re always in the hopper. They’re always coming back. We’re building a relationship with them.


They might do one filling next. They might do Scan the Root Planet, whatever it is, okay? Total practice, hygiene and new patients. But we want at least 60% of the dollars to be scheduled. And so we have a tracker that we put everything in and all that. But when you talk large cases, obviously those numbers change. Yeah. Do you have a drastic reduction in that? Cause I’m talking about whole practice averages. So- Yeah.


you get 20% case acceptance on 40, $50,000 cases. You feel like that’s pretty good. Yeah, 25% is kind of an average. 25%, okay, is the average. Okay. That we want you to be at. All right, challenge accepted, challenge accepted. All right, we’re gonna blow that out of the water. We’re gonna figure out a way. Yeah, and what’s really interesting is so many offices, especially specialist offices, they’re used to encountering the patient further down the patient journey.


So they haven’t taken ownership of the sorting at all. And the problem with that is that there are people who are just ready to go, hey, yeah, I know it’s 50,000. I got the money already. I’m already doing the research, yeah. And if you think that you’re gonna scale your implant production by finding more of those, you just won’t. Yeah. The companies that are scaling have taken ownership of the sorting, have taken ownership of the educating and guiding, and have completely owned that. And for a lot of them, that’s a, that’s


there’s some assumptions that they think they’re just going to get sent patients and that’s how it works because especially a specialist office where they’ve talked to the general dentist and they’ve been sent over and prepared. And when they see a lead who hasn’t been educated or guided or financially qualified, they’re like, huh, you know, this is not going to work. And so, yeah. Yeah, totally. Oh my gosh. So good. So the results aren’t that easy to get. It takes a lot of effort, right?


What’s the competitive market like on your side? This is easy for dental implant machine to do. Why, why isn’t everyone doing it? Why isn’t there more of this? Help us out here. Yeah. I think the big kicker here is, is it hard to do? Well, it is if you haven’t done it. Transformation is always hard. And so if you’re in office and you know, your, your, your patient has been in a chair and you’re used to.


You need this and then like, it’s pretty quick and done. And now you’ve got somebody in that same chair and it’s, it’s a pretty clinical environment and you want to be able to be like, do the same process. And there’s, there’s friction in that transformation process for that patient. And you’re not ready to embrace that. It’s going to be hard. And the offices that really crush it have, have gone through that, have realized we need to take ownership. This is different. Um, yeah. I mean, in my opinion, you’re not.


You’re not selling the patient on your implants. You are, they have to believe in your service, in your program, but the difference is that that patient has to believe in themself. And as soon as they believe that they are worth it, that they are worth this procedure, and that they have that backing, then they’ll do it. That’s the difference. Not that they believe your stuff works. They’ll probably know your stuff works, but.


They need to go through a process. And so you’re saying dental implant machine helps walk them through a process that helps them understand they are worth it. Yes. That’s amazing. All right, cool. So there’s offices out there that we work with. They’re like, I just want a ton of more patients. I just want more patients, more patients, more patients, and we’ll sort them out when we get here. You guys seem different than that. You seem more focused in on obviously a niche. So what do you say to those sorts of, of offices out there? Yeah.


This is really interesting because if they are not going to, from the time that person becomes a lead, if they’re not going to take ownership of the atmosphere and the guiding, it can be difficult to work with them. We have structured the way we’re working with clients now where we try to get three things from the client. One, we try to reduce the risk, so we offer a guarantee, and that helps reduce the risk.


we need their buy-in. Like if it’s free, they’re usually not going to make the changes. And so there needs to be an accountability so that they are actually going to implement the system. And so getting them to implement the system is the, is the biggest challenge. The team, the team to implement the system, the dental implant. Because we had a scenario in Salt Lake City, um, in Utah, I should say where we were sending leads to an office and that office quit.


And they’re like, these leads, they’re not the ones. And we then worked very closely with another office, and we were able to do those same leads, same lead source, but implementing the program, a million dollars in a month on the same lead source. And so it just was like, it became more and more obvious that we need to have a client who understands and wants to take ownership of that. Some are just not, they just.


My challenge is in conveying that Eric, and I don’t know how you do that, but that’s our biggest challenge is in conveying what kind of commitment that is. Yeah. So I want to make sure I understand. When you said reduce the risk with some buy-in from them with a guarantee, the guarantee you’re making to the dental office. Right. Okay. All right. So when we bring on an office, we put ourselves on the line with the guarantee. So we won’t work with an office unless we’ve approved that their area.


is going to be a win. There’s some areas that are tough. Yeah. And got it. And competition can be different cost per lead, cost per click can be different. Got it. So we’ve got to make sure that area is one we want to invest in because we’re going to be investing into these offices. Sure. Actually, that’s the way we see it. Sure. To that that team is absolutely going to implement the system. And so the way we work, the way our program is, I feel like it gets buy in, but it also reduces the risk because of our guarantee.


Okay. So that’s the first thing you said there are three. What’s the second thing? Okay. The first, the first one was we want to, we want to give a program where, um, there’s less risk. That’s what we do with the, okay. The one is we want a program where, um, there’s going to be a lot of buy-in. And so what we have is that the guarantee only works if you follow the program. That’s the team. That’s the ownership. Yeah. Yeah. That’s the ownership. And the third is we want to make sure we have a program that has no ceiling.


So even though the guarantees in place, that’s just to basically give you safety in your investment, but the earning potential is unlimited. Like we want you to make an additional million dollars in a year, which is really not that many treatments when you think about it. Love it. Okay. Awesome. So dentists are out there thinking, sure, another million dollars, there’s a recession coming and the economy, this and my area, that.


What are you seeing that are the challenges that we’re facing that you say, Oh no, this is why it will still work or what have you. Yeah. I would say in this environment, the soft skills are suddenly the differentiator and what you guys teach. And I love the stuff that you guys have. And those soft skills are now, because before where a patient was not worried that much about the finances, now you need more soft skills to help them make the right decision about the health because fact, it is the right decision for their health.


you know, no doubt about it for me. And so those soft skills will help you do that in a, in a more financially. Uh, challenging environment. Yep. So we, we call them human skills because you have clinical skills and soft skills, which really makes sense. We call them human skills. Cause for me, uh, the book EQ, emotional intelligence, all that studying over the years and years and years of this, we understand relationship management is what we’re in and we’re all in sales, which is just relationship management. You know,


Sales does not require money to be exchanged. It’s just the agreement of information. Do I believe what this person’s talking about? That’s a sell. The artist paints and then they gotta sell the artwork. The dentist has a skillset, a hard skill, but the human skills to deliver it. You’ll see on Facebook forums all the time, what’s more important, clinical skills or the soft skills? Human skills, what we call them. What’s more important? And you’ll see this debate go on.


And I’m always like, look, if you’re a 10 clinically, which you have to be first, that’s your foundation. Otherwise you’re a phony. But if your human skills, your communication skills, your relationship management skills are a four, your patient’s only gonna perceive you as a four in that clinical arena. So you gotta get the human skills, the soft skills, up to that level 10. Totally, completely agree with you. So training of the human skills, training of the relationship management skills, the soft skills.


It sounds like you guys are big fans of that. Yeah. I love how you put it with the human skills. And to me, in that conversation with the patient, there’s a, there’s a conversation that’s above the surface, you know, but that’s what type of materials and then to me, there’s the secret conversation and the secret conversation is like, am I, you know, am I lovable? Will I be more lovable? Like how is this, you know, am I worth it?


that if you can get to that secret conversation, it will, the whole thing will feel different. Um, and as soon as I get, I, with, with Dennis that I talked to, there’s a secret conversation too, they’re saying, I want 30 arches. What they’re really saying is how can I change my life? How can I have more time with my freedom? How can I be the hero in my office? Right. In my town? Yeah. Right. And so that secret conversation that needs to take place and the questions that can kind of get underneath there. Um,


the human skills. I love that. It’s kind of my pet. So our system for that we use is called the emotional exam, discovering the patient’s why. And very in sync with you guys, of course, on this is interviewing the patient on all of the steps of what’s going on with their mouth and what are they looking for and why do they want that? And you hear things like, I don’t want to see dentures in a cup, you know, or I want a peace of mind. I want confidence. I want to love myself again. All of those things.


That is what you’re selling. You’re not selling implants. You’re selling the result of it. And Heather Nottingham talks all the time about sharing the sizzle. Don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle. You know, what’s the result of it? And so completely, completely agree. Love, love that. So people are listening to this and they’re thinking, okay, what do I need to do differently to get to this level? I always want people to listen to this and say, okay, I got some good coaching from Jacob. So what do they need to do? What do you want them to have?


actionable takeaway that you want them to leave with? Well, I would say, you know, first of all, I love the training and systems that you guys have a place. And so I’ve even referred people over cause I love it and, and it’s a good system and it’s a good price. So, um, that’s a great place to start. And we also know that you’re going to need a bats. So once you have those skills down and you need the bats, um, we have figured out


how to bring in, how to get patients to engage with your brand, how to create a unique value proposition so that you’re not just another implant provider. Because sometimes it can feel like, well, everyone’s doing implants now, but there is a way to make your proposition unique. And so yeah, get more at bats. And one actionable, actionable takeaway you can do right now is on your website, put a call to action above the fold of your website. I mean, that’s,


It’s such an easy thing to do, but it’s very easy not to do. Oh my gosh. Because we see, we watch so many videos and heat maps and people don’t, 50% of people won’t even scroll down past that initial screen. So get that initial call to action, you know, above the fold. If you’re running ads for dental implants, get one on your homepage and on your dental implants page, because people get, we’ve seen people get lost in that services menu, is this cosmetic? What is it? And then they bounce. So for those super high value patients, make it easy for them.


to engage and it’s not just the appointment. Get them a little before, because there’s gonna be a whole lot more people who will exchange value earlier in that process. Yeah, you’re talking about reducing the friction. The statistic is 64% of dental team members don’t ask the patient if they want a schedule. We say silly things in the office like, all right, you’re all set, go up front and they’ll get you taken care of. Go up front, see Betty, she’ll get you scheduled for next visit.


There’s no, we don’t understand how to engage in that next step and realize asking for something is important. You’re like, look, same thing on the website, put something actionable at the top of the website. It says, contact us, call us here, set up a consultation, follow this link to learn if you’re, you know, have something that engages people. Otherwise they’re moving on. Totally, totally true. And further for the Eric is we found that even if you had a patient scheduling widget and a phone number.


that if you can have something that happens before then, because you’ve got a patient that realizes their pain, wants more information, books appointment or contacts the office. So if you can provide pricing guide and evaluation, a call to action, that would happen before that. And you have a follow-up process in place for it. If you don’t have a follow-up process in place, it’s not gonna be much good. But that’s of course what the appointment scheduler’s for is to follow up on those who are not ready to book an appointment, are not ready to call.


but are willing to exchange information, right? So our system for this is called preheating. And what you’re basically doing is doing a phenomenal job at preheating the patients. So it’s like getting them ready, they’re more engaged, that trust factor goes up, your credibility goes up. And by the time you’re actually talking to them on the phone, they’re so much hotter, they’re warmer, they’re ready to go. It’s not a cold lead. So I love everything about this. Okay, so all right. This great information, love this stuff. Let’s keep doing this. How do people reach out to you?


Jacob at Dental Implant Machine. If you want to email me, we’d love to chat about anything, dental implants and patient journey with you. And is our website. Perfect. Awesome. So for those of you listening, first of all, if you listen this long, thank you so much for pouring into yourself and pursuing growth. I love it. If you’re not growing, you’re declining. So we have a strong, strong belief that pouring into yourself


is going to obviously create better results on the end. And this is one of those ways to do that. If you want to grow more, you have to know, go to, click on events, look at upcoming events we have. We’re always looking at training. We have our onboard system, online onboarding system for you with training virtually all the time. So if you have new team members that you wanna bring on, gosh, learn how to talk on the phone, learn how to schedule, learn how to stop cancellations.


Then of course we have hiring. So if you’re looking to get help with hiring, we have that for you as well. Please, if you’re interested in any of the things that All-Star has to offer, send an email to Heather. It’s heather at and take a step. What’s that next step for you? Don’t think about doing something, actually do something with this. And so thank you again, Jacob, for joining us. We really appreciate it. Thanks, Eric. Have a good time, man.


And for those listening, thank you for joining us and taking the time to invest in yourself. Until next time, go out there and be an All-Star.


We hope you enjoyed this episode of Dental All-Stars. Visit us online at

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