
It’s Only Business

Alex Nottingham JD MBA discusses the importance of having an entrepreneurial mindset and learning from different industries. He then shares the five steps to building an All-Star business.


About Alex Nottingham JD MBA

Alex is the CEO and Founder of All-Star Dental Academy®. He is a former Tony Robbins top coach and consultant, having worked with companies upwards of $100 million. His passion is to help others create personal wealth and make a positive impact on the people around them. Alex received his Juris Doctor (JD) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Florida International University.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


Hi everyone, I’m Alex Nottingham founder and CEO of All -Star Dental Academy. What do music studio owners and dental practice owners have in common? What about any other business for that matter? And sometimes I get that question. I’m asked, how does it apply to me? What I teach can help any business and any person for that matter. And the example for this, an example of this happening,


was when I was in Vegas just recently. I was the keynote to teach Music Academy success students. Those are people that own music studios. They’re musicians. And I was working with them on how to improve their business. I even had my book, Dental Practice Excellence, and I signed one for everybody there. And they were loving it.


The word dental, you can take anything I teach, take the word dental out and it applies. Because we are all entrepreneurs in some capacity. Even those who have a job are entrepreneurs. And having the entrepreneurial mindset can be of great use. And I look across all the industries and I say, what is the best? What can we model that works well in any industry for that matter?


And those are the five steps that I teach, The five steps to an all -star business. And that’s what I was teaching over when I was in Vegas for the Music Academy success students. And just to do a quick review, you have vision. Whatever business you’re in, you have your vision. What it is that you want personally out of life, how you want your business to serve you. Then you have your team. Your team has to take your vision and put it into action. And they have the support.


what you stand for and if they don’t, you gotta let them go or find new team members. Then you have to be training. You gotta be training little by little to improve on customer service, on phone skills, on business skills. And then from there to accelerate even further, you have coaching. The best of all businesses are doing coaching. The Fortune 500 report that coaching is one of the top three factors to their success. And the fifth and hidden step,



is the mastermind. This word comes from think and grow rich, Napoleon Hill, which is basically the definition is when you get like -minded individuals together in a spirit of harmony with personal humility and towards a definite purpose. Mastermind, very, very powerful. And I’ll put a link to some of my videos where I focus in more on mastermind. And I was invited to the mastermind by my mastermind leader, Marty Ford.


Now Marty is the heir apparent to Dan Kennedy, who is probably one of the greatest marketers to ever live. And he runs our mastermind and I get a chance to work with him every year. And it’s been critical to my success being part of the mastermind. My business at All -Star wouldn’t be available if it wasn’t for mastermind. And what I do, even the personal development realm would not be available without mastermind. So.


I see why all this works together. Mastermind. I do mastermind. Doesn’t matter what industry, it’s all the same. These five steps work. It’s invaluable. And I also see the benefit of events. Events, you get to be in a community of like -minded individuals, whether you’re a dentist, whether you’re a musician, whatever you are, and all the service -based approach coming together, coaching mastermind, and you get this compound effect. Now.


There’s also those out there that are the know -at -allstar. I’ve tried it, it didn’t work. When I say, well, how many times have you tried it? Well, have you tried it 100 times? Five times, 10 times? I tried it once and it didn’t work. That’s not enough. And I’ve heard this, it’s just excuses, it’s blaming. This person, without awareness, the know -it -all, is destined to fail in some capacity, whether it’s money,


whether it’s happiness. I love this quote. In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind, there are few. So the idea is to make sure you keep an open mind. Ask, what can I learn? Keep learning. Pull from outside of your area of specialty, your industry. And with respect to the field of dentistry, which is where I consult for,



My wife and I, Heather and myself, had no experience in dentistry. My background is with Tony Robbins, with Brian Tracy, with business, being an attorney. But I learned to think outside the box. I see that all this applies. So you look around and you see, how can I model the best in all industries? What can I learn? Not what is different. So I trust you enjoyed this. And make sure you like, subscribe, follow, comment. And until next time, go out there.


and be an All -Star.

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