Discover the secret sixth step in building an All-Star Dental Practice: the Titanium Mastermind Group. Join for growth and mentorship!


About Alex Nottingham JD MBA

Alex is the CEO and Founder of All-Star Dental Academy®. He is a former Tony Robbins top coach and consultant, having worked with companies upwards of $100 million. His passion is to help others create personal wealth and make a positive impact on the people around them. Alex received his Juris Doctor (JD) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Florida International University.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


This is Dental All-Stars, where we bring you the best in dentistry on marketing, management, and training. Here’s your host, Alex Nottingham. The mastermind, the sixth step to an all-star practice. Wait a second. Didn’t you say that there were five steps to an all-star practice? There’s a secret sixth step, and that’s the mastermind. Let’s review the five steps to an


your aspiration, that’s your purpose, what you want to put into the world, the impact you like to make. The second step is your team, and your team supports your vision, which should be written down, and your team loves to learn, they love to contribute, they love feedback, they’re supporting your vision. The third step is training. You’re doing onboarding where you’re looking to get a result within 90 days of a new hire. You’re also doing comprehensive training where you’re training 20 minutes a week.


you overcome the training effect because you know that as you train, you’re gonna improve, but skill will quickly drop. So you have to keep training to keep competency upgraded. Step four is coaching. And what we’ve seen is coaching provides a 600% ROI across businesses. And we find that that return on investment is even higher in dentistry. And there are two ways you can do coaching. First, you can coach your team.


So you’re providing feedback to your team and with your team on an ongoing basis, or you work with someone outside, like All-Star Dental Academy. And when you work with an outside coach, you’re getting specialized knowledge, you’re getting a unique perspective, and they’re able to see quote, gaps in your business. And with All-Star Dental Academy coaching, we focus on self-funding coaching. So coaching is designed to pay for itself within 90 days, and coaching is month to month. And then,


all that builds towards the event where we create transformation. Because now when you have a clear vision, you have a team that loves a vision and they’re training and you are coaching and being coached and now you’re at an event with other like-minded people, that’s where you have that transformative effect. So if that wasn’t enough to stack this powerhouse of practice growth, there’s the mastermind. Now I don’t mention the mastermind on the website explicitly, it’s hidden.


And the mastermind is invitation only, and you’re gonna see why in a moment. Let’s talk about what’s not a mastermind. Study clubs and series of lectures, that’s not mastermind. In addition, a group with a key opinion leader or guru or leader that’s talking all the time, that’s not a mastermind. The mastermind definition came from Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich, way back in 1937. And he defines it as the coordination of knowledge


an effort of two or more people who work toward a definite purpose in the spirit of harmony. I like how he further defines the mastermind as a third invisible mind. It’s something greater than the sum of its parts. And I define mastermind as an alliance of the best working in harmony with humility and collective growth and accountability. And what’s interesting is All-Star Dental Academy was born from a mastermind.


And this was a mastermind group that I joined while working for Tony Robbins. And I’ve been with this mastermind for well over 15 years and it’s like-minded businesses, they’re not competitive. We get great ideas and feedback and we coach each other. And the reason that I do a mastermind at All-Star Dental Academy is also from my mastermind group. For years, my mastermind was telling me to build a mastermind for dentists. And I hesitated. I didn’t think it would provide benefit to dentists. Boy.


Was I wrong? Dentists tell me they feel like they are alone on an island. They want mentorship, feedback, personal, and business growth. They want to be part of something special. They want to rub shoulders with others that are like-minded and don’t want to settle. And that’s the Titanium Mastermind Group at All-Star Dental Academy. Our mastermind is invitation and application only. It’s a limited size to maximize engagement. Who is a good candidate?


for a mastermind. You gotta be humble. It can’t be about you, what’s in it for you. You gotta share. You gotta have a growth mindset. It’s all about personal growth, business growth, sharing. And you gotta say no to the status quo. If it ain’t broke, break it. Here’s what you should look for in a mastermind group in general. The dentist talk most of the time. It’s exclusive per region. So you don’t have to be afraid of sharing something that will work against you. There’s flexibility.


So there’s some online component and a live component. You want coaching and you want expert support and guests. You also want a balance of structure and what I call organized chaos because there’s a lot of great ideas and we wanna make sure that those ideas come and there’s that organic nature of the mastermind. To learn more about All-Star Dental Academy’s mastermind, go to backslash mastermind.


You’ll see testimonials, details, and if you’re interested, you can apply there. Remember to follow us, subscribe, like, comment, and share, and until next time, go out there and be an All Star. We hope you enjoyed this episode of Dental All Stars. Visit us online at

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