Dental Training Blog

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Team Building through Meetings

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review explored how to make meetings more effective. As an industry where most days start off with a quick meeting to review the day ahead, it seems like the ideas covered in the article are important for dentists to review....

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

10 Ways to Motivate Your Team

10 ways to motivate your team A dental practice’s success is dependent on a well-trained, motivated team.  It’s your responsibility as a leader to establish a vision, set a standard that supports that vision, and train and motivate your team. Here are 10 ways to guide...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Rethinking Your New Year’s Resolution

Every year, a healthy percentage of Americans make promises to themselves about the upcoming year - New Year’s resolutions. But, how many times have you actually followed them? The unfortunate truth is that for most of us, the new year simply means a fresh start on...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Why Your Dental Marketing Doesn’t Matter

Often, when I consult with clients who are struggling with getting enough new patients, they typically point the finger of blame at their marketing. You know, their brochures, SEO, direct mail programs, signage, website, or other tactical elements. Look, before you...

AACD Partner Pearlette

Nearly all of the doctors I speak with believe that if they are excellent clinicians, they will be successful. Unfortunately, excellent patient care and clinical skills is just the ante. You need much more to truly win the game, because the...

Dental Recruitment – Part 3 of 3

Place an ad, read a resume, hire someone….how hard can it be? Dental Recruitment is not hard as long as you never make a mistake, never hire the wrong person, never have problems and never have turnover. Learn the latest...

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"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

1. Get QUALITY patients without selling

2. Banish broken appointments

3. Reduce turnover by 25%

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