
Dental Training Blog

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Handling Friends or Family that Cancel Appointments

At All-Star Dental Academy, we have very specific processes and verbiage for Banishing Broken Appointments and Cancellations, even with respect to friends or family that cancel appointments. One of our dentists recently asked us a question on how to address patients...

Goal Setting Strategies – Study Club

All Star Goal Setting Strategies is our end-of year Study Club where you can take some time to reflect on the successes of the past year, and identify areas that need attention. Busy dentists often overlook analysis and...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Do you take my insurance?

This question (Do you take my insurance) is known to strike fear in the heart of even the most experienced front office team members.  Why?  Because so many of them believe that if the answer is anything less than a resounding YES, the patient will choose to...

Study Club: Tough Questions, Tough Patients

We had an exciting study club. During this action-packed study club, we have examined how to answer the most difficult questions that arise on the phone and how to work with the most challenging patient personality types....

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Redefine The Role of Your Front Desk Team

Most dentists and dental professionals have a common type of employee they prefer at their front desk. When asked who their favorite front desk person is you will usually get the same answer: The “competent one.” Dentists tend to love the staff member that knows all...

Limited Time: FREE eBook

"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

1. Get QUALITY patients without selling

2. Banish broken appointments

3. Reduce turnover by 25%

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